Sunday 4 November 2012

Stop Smoking Tips

Anyone who’s struggling to kick the habit can benefit from a few helpful stop smoking tips. Even though you are probably well aware  of the long list of adverse health effects, the negative impact on the environment and the shortage in your wallet that smoking creates, it is still so hard to quit.
Understand, there is never a better time to quit than right now! No, you won’t feel more empowered when you finish off this last pack and you won’t find it any easier if you wait until the beginning of the week, next month or the new year. It’s also important to note that just because you read helpful stop smoking tips does not mean you will be successful. You may fail today and that’s okay, you will try again tomorrow. You can start over as many times as it takes for you to get through those horrible and extremely challenging first 48 hours.
•    Set Your Mind StraightThere are two things that you need for any stop smoking tips to work, will and mindset. You need to have the desire to quit and thoroughly educate yourself on all the reasons why you should quit. It is estimated that more than 15 million people try to quit everyday and only 3 percent are successful. Your goal is to be part of that statistic.
•   Smoking AidsIf you don’t feel as though you can quit on your own, there are plenty of products available over the counter such as nicotine lozenges, pills, gum, nasal sprays, patches and inhalers.
•    Get ActiveThere’s a reason why so many previous smokers take up running, hiking, cycling, etc. Yes, the physical activity may be difficult at first but soon you will find yourself addicted to the exercise rather than cigarettes which is always a positive thing!
•   Lifestyle Changes One of the key stop smoking tips is to make appropriate lifestyle changes which can be quite hard. You need to avoid situations where you would typically light up such as going to the bar. You won’t have to stay way from doing these things permanently but at least long enough until the temptation is no longer there.
•   Chew on Something – Gum can be very helpful when you’re quitting smoking. Other people find chewing on or holding a straw can be effective, especially if you are used to smoking while driving. Stock up on plenty of low calorie snacks like celery, cucumbers, carrots, etc., so you don’t have to feel guilty about excessive grazing all day long.
•    HobbyEven if you start exercising, you still may want to take up another hobby. The busier you can keep your brain and hands, the less you will think about how badly you want that cigarette. If this means that you have to build 10 doghouses to keep busy or rep

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