Wednesday 21 November 2012


(^^)ABOUT ME(^^)

First of all thanks to Allah S.W.T because I can make the task entrusted to me to make this blog. My main purpose of creating this blog is because I do a proper job in the subject (STID 1013) but after discovering how the means to create this blog in time tasks into a hobby. Many new things that I can learn the complete tasks assigned by sir TARMIZI BIN MUSA.

Given the name MUHAMMAD RIZUWAN BIN SAIMI, NO MATRIK 206785 came from PASIR MAS KELANTAN, the first son of the two brothers, Aged 22 years. Secondary school education into the regular secondary school TENDONG PASIR MAS KELANTAN. After completing his higher education certificate Malaysia (STPM) in school, I received an offer to pursue university level degree in UNIVERSTY UTARA MALAYSIA.

 This is my family.

 Even not have the many brothers and sisters, but I have the happy family and cousins ​​as brothers and sisters, they were very close to me.

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